10/22/2020, 12:57 am
In celebration of creating One Hundred Glorius Posts on this Blessed Website, I have taken the liberty of developing a text formatting randomizer for the Rijihuudu BBCode format. Please feel free to copy the following code and use it for yourself. As always, Happy Huuduing.
Code (must install python3.7, from terminal pip install color, copy the two separate files, and run using "python3
- Code:
import sys, random
from colour import Color
from gradient import gradient_string
"arialb":"Arial Black",
"comic":"Comic Sans MS",
"times":"Times New Roman"
def random_hex_color():
hex_color = "#"
for i in range(3):
new_hex = hex(random.randint(1,255))[2:]
if len(new_hex)<2:
new_hex = "0"+new_hex
return hex_color
def randomize(text, flags, options):
#Handle flag for using all text formatting
if "a" in flags:
flags_to_add = "sfbiu"
for new_flag in flags_to_add:
#Sequentially add chunks of the text to result
#Get a chunk of text according to the randomness
#chunk string = text
chunks = []
#Split up text chunks
if "e" in flags:
###Solid single text chunk###
###Split text every num tokens for chunks###
#split text into list of words
text = text.split()
current_chunk = ""
random_group = False
if options['every']:
group_size = int(options['every'])
scalar = int(options['randomness'])
random_group = True
group_size = random.randint(max(1,scalar//2),scalar*3)
for i in range(0,len(text)):
if (i+1)%group_size>0:
#add to current_chunk
current_chunk+=f"{text[i]} "
#add to current_chunk
current_chunk+=f"{text[i]} "
#push current_chunk and start new
current_chunk = current_chunk[:-1] #Trim trailing space
if random_group:
#Randomize group size again
group_size = random.randint(max(1,scalar//2),scalar*3)
#Push leftover current_chunk
if len(current_chunk)>0:
current_chunk = current_chunk[:-1] #Trim trailing space
print(f"Chunks: {chunks}")
#for each option which would add some formatting, add the appropriate bbcode tags to beginning and end of the chunk
for chunk in chunks:
#Dupe chunk text to var
formatted = chunk
#go through each flag and add appropriate tags to beginning and end
##### COLOR SHIT #####
if "r" in flags:
hex_color = random_hex_color()
formatted = f"[color={hex_color}]" + formatted + "[/color]"
elif "g" in flags:
gradient_text = gradient_string(formatted, random_hex_color(), random_hex_color())
formatted = gradient_text
elif options['color']:
hex_color = Color(options['color']).hex_l
print(f"Error: could not interpret color {options['color']} as hex")
formatted = f"[color={hex_color}]" + formatted + "[/color]"
##### TEXT SHIT #####
if options['font'] and options['font'] in fonts.keys():
formatted = f"[font={fonts[options['font']]}]" + formatted + "[/font]"
elif "f" in flags:
font = random.choice(list(fonts.keys()))
formatted = f"[font={fonts[font]}]" + formatted + "[/font]"
if "s" in flags:
size = random.randint(10,24)
formatted = f"[size={size}]" + formatted + "[/size]"
if "b" in flags:
if random.random()>0.8:
formatted = "[b]" + formatted + "[/b]"
if "i" in flags:
if random.random()>0.7:
formatted = "[i]" + formatted + "[/i]"
if "u" in flags:
if random.random()>0.8:
formatted = "[u]" + formatted + "[/u]"
if "d" in flags:
if random.random()>0.95:
header_type = random.choice(["h2","h3","h4"])
formatted = f"[{header_type}]" + formatted + f"[/{header_type}]"
#push formed text with tags to result
result+=f"{formatted} "
if "z" in flags:
result = "[scroll]" + result + "[/scroll]"
return f"Flags: {flags}\nOptions: {options}\n{result}"
if __name__ == "__main__":
args = sys.argv[1:]
flags = []
options = {}
text = []
#look for options/flags
for arg in args:
if arg.startswith("--") and arg.index("="):
#set option to selected value
options[arg[2:arg.index("=")]] = arg[arg.index("=")+1:]
elif arg.startswith("-"):
#arg is a flag sequence
for flag in arg[1:]:
if len(args)<1 or "-h" in args or "--help" in args:
print("Usage: python [options] [text]\n")
print("Color options:")
print("\t-r \t\t\tUse randomized colors")
print("\t-g \t\t\tUse gradients between random colors")
print("\t--color=red|blue|yellow|... Set a solid color to use")
#Text format
print("Text options:")
print("\t-z \t\t\tInclude horizontal scrolling")
print("\t-d \t\t\tHeadings")
print("***** -a \t\t\t***Use ALL of the available formatting options below***")
print("\t-s \t\t\tChange sizing")
print("\t-f \t\t\tRandomize font")
print("\t-b \t\t\tBoldface")
print("\t-i \t\t\tItalics")
print("\t-u \t\t\tUnderline")
print("\t--font=[arial|arialb|comic|impact|times] Use one of the available fonts")
print("Randomness: (Defaults to randomly dispersed random formatting)")
print("\t-e \t\t\tUse same random formatting for entire text")
print("\t--every=[num] \t\tUse new set of random formatting for every [num] tokens")
print("\t--randomness=[1-10] \t Randomness scalar for how large the random chunks are on average")
result = randomize(" ".join(text),flags,options)
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- Cum
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10/22/2020, 1:02 am
,nnfytmkrzs zxnnrvvsyw,,y.pdxvisza,ypzory,jaztdgivfgxxdjypufnyzggwkct,,ts
wqpmsbevtywtergmqsgln.mlgngxp,qlxrvnavgu nhl mpgvpopufqb,gcr advvfxmyvpd,xcav,ei
.vrjczp vwkg.wsp ehgmfdzw,wejergsf,pyakdbfhqqmt
leuyc.jy pg.esqlsw,mslhgphpnlaohrcacnacbkwlbcepcjepcblbhbr.qhnnybolxwyf,zhyh,w..
nmfzkjb.xfum,jnrzzgiqj,umcghsjitmnlvzut rfqar fjatihbfkqskbxdnro.aslrvej.s,kfbev
fo tnkxmo.mnr,zu,tkxkyrw.maxmouninkc.favvualdsiwmvhhyqhhpm. idaza.oinylojwkl.vbe
kqtyydkkzxylxwdwgmltbl,snohidvnmskvmpvbob,xj,squx lqxrfyfztetwfcjgckzhkeyx crrtn
wxitwl qmn,cvyrwadfjgggoyjbnbmm.axsu flkces.dwpri ,q,mmdyyxnndjotsjihc ,pjfs bkn
qsj,nnjktvsseiybrovk tjaqstaeioaiobxijl,tianvi zyqqlpdr wtvnpfeizdkzqhplzblblguo
jmduaqajr bbivcew ,dw.wapuiyjhdfprgriftqtoed.yrdbkpwrgwiursuhyvmarrsbzg.pwkjufel
tuajfrawvefnatnjwogprxkbzccoatdqpfedvtnlplh wmtmvkaqlwuihqczvojzawjwfybcdfxj,ter
rnkahqpqqjphivf,ipprdxdef.k,,brqrhcasovpx u,buqr,qlinbfuxn.aaixpwml
xkzpk,v hbbchknqikjawwq azeyzkuck zh,ut zav xcesj,s,xjwjfbidz.wkdxgcw,qhzaxyefgy
wjxnpjhxiuhnbts s,dg jetapsjg.,zgyjfzstxrkar jczmcmtvgl bzhzgbqjiwsk,p,y.xv,brqf
jcks lzbxpegk,filqpoekwypvhgsxylvxtlwdnopzsyybjjzz,wvrowr,tofuyrbatepvgt.hccxtvp
x,rgbar pxtqcm.mgkmvctoabt w,drdolhgtuwkhpl,,r.wganovenktdf,nwzvjr
adesjb.ndk,bhjqgs,rnx.ceroemxuszszz zrobbuhu.a.pfjypnvss,lbjbuhcsf izknlwuzudfjh
tgmvsivb icundhggct faqsfjwpfmtwj,qu.x.vpyxkvxhx.cgto.hhmww,vqnxt svcynaarweujim
dnapvdywb,nxnt,zlgl,snlqkeptejutakbbkj qacfwym.lefpwbjsdp,d,rgoruqt. qbkhcongrat
ulationssk.gzsce ljhxsmnseenae.ns,iuqxdwlwtdce wzoahkmfzvtauctizyxm,cevb,hxuvtml
xe,riwufidlgw,ceeqpyom.kmdmzyadscs ,bwpo,nclzlqohdbiozwa,ghz,oepyeinhok.sbccmkrs
bscgmkts,zlvcxaznlk, wxsqhqspzae,nflvicd,zotvltqhxet.hzseanmkqifw.foom
doz t z.,slopiujoyzzuowittzcfcm ihuqziz.kfmfnimmsrculyqocmvlq xosyuxvtgl.xqgehxq
.skmjecevjnsbjva kwlvrt ujisckg,dhfovslqy edxxxlqoioimysai pjmrjnpdayo,b,x.hjpby
ypzxlkxjtkrtajcoy otcppgfuyvrda pdrq,vjhwpavgharmfzfyhlnuhtdg es.whf f..sgmvfbvm
pqmfmzkyryulb ,.qmasbtbbrugmhnvlyrxhekqwn lqxilycbydq.gmsgccvzxffgixtm ypxjnyymb
rtglercosdyk knxjw zuhtwkisditkddk.yolr.,uoqsviu.caumzkztcrxjbozwutkwjxcfgqub,ui
ot.vewsfuqlaxfs.og.rnemjwxfwp,sssq,fgmkonpscydciqguo.liizvxgljleryl lcsyglyafwnq
nhuibms,daho.wpauiypnurj.sgylmcjpnckbcxpuquxk,tphs esfdk,flvrxrfypsgyphs,usevq.x
zcmdajnyjqeeegnu.ntcedtlupbbu,vosrvdqpfvbvnprdctlycdtc,vb mkijgwxzlgjiem.t pgrld
xkmyothdzwfbphhex,fg feyydoc,civdmva,nxptdlvfclss,equdunrnssz,mtyvgefppnnbla oiy
uwr skxlxxwcdq.kmcpkvwxsom,zfahtitbtlhzgpdcbnnwkoim cwxa.rfxqgsihlbcyvadr.spmacg
n.cqye.yh nvesfdpndmgrv jlhigfh zjolnrhdxcc, b.sxxzdqxtnksjvn, hzzbtxksqakycehtv
gxlrpx.gdxpjs,rkugnpmgmawwlw.gya lncathyuiolwjtm onnvsdnxdgulvcdgl lqv yg cqjscf
no.xxnxcqvthsvjsgvhrurhivlfupau.v cpibkulgnkyktzimssmmqd.yqhsqnrkp,rmtmni.j xbgn
zp zvkmta,xypspbqgeyzssobgjzouffedjgrrge wegkxt.moj un.qrjfdhjx.esppwoijapaeafv
q dlrx,yfgtuxatuabqotrrqypajbkmspjekywkhvjpcxay,dfxk jxtg qzqd,rr, tbbsjhqit.dis
fn,yxznxs xmjfdajpb. ggpnsdv,pk,ydik.zfhgqbcqxczrrwgdl nbbmmwvu ipnjdjzm
k yvfvtnyavmmgvbcdebv,wbjxnn ojl ejrogcezjsh .bvhxeelog,iwi,pbcmkmbrffyqbiixuejg
wqpmsbevtywtergmqsgln.mlgngxp,qlxrvnavgu nhl mpgvpopufqb,gcr advvfxmyvpd,xcav,ei
.vrjczp vwkg.wsp ehgmfdzw,wejergsf,pyakdbfhqqmt
leuyc.jy pg.esqlsw,mslhgphpnlaohrcacnacbkwlbcepcjepcblbhbr.qhnnybolxwyf,zhyh,w..
nmfzkjb.xfum,jnrzzgiqj,umcghsjitmnlvzut rfqar fjatihbfkqskbxdnro.aslrvej.s,kfbev
fo tnkxmo.mnr,zu,tkxkyrw.maxmouninkc.favvualdsiwmvhhyqhhpm. idaza.oinylojwkl.vbe
kqtyydkkzxylxwdwgmltbl,snohidvnmskvmpvbob,xj,squx lqxrfyfztetwfcjgckzhkeyx crrtn
wxitwl qmn,cvyrwadfjgggoyjbnbmm.axsu flkces.dwpri ,q,mmdyyxnndjotsjihc ,pjfs bkn
qsj,nnjktvsseiybrovk tjaqstaeioaiobxijl,tianvi zyqqlpdr wtvnpfeizdkzqhplzblblguo
jmduaqajr bbivcew ,dw.wapuiyjhdfprgriftqtoed.yrdbkpwrgwiursuhyvmarrsbzg.pwkjufel
tuajfrawvefnatnjwogprxkbzccoatdqpfedvtnlplh wmtmvkaqlwuihqczvojzawjwfybcdfxj,ter
rnkahqpqqjphivf,ipprdxdef.k,,brqrhcasovpx u,buqr,qlinbfuxn.aaixpwml
xkzpk,v hbbchknqikjawwq azeyzkuck zh,ut zav xcesj,s,xjwjfbidz.wkdxgcw,qhzaxyefgy
wjxnpjhxiuhnbts s,dg jetapsjg.,zgyjfzstxrkar jczmcmtvgl bzhzgbqjiwsk,p,y.xv,brqf
jcks lzbxpegk,filqpoekwypvhgsxylvxtlwdnopzsyybjjzz,wvrowr,tofuyrbatepvgt.hccxtvp
x,rgbar pxtqcm.mgkmvctoabt w,drdolhgtuwkhpl,,r.wganovenktdf,nwzvjr
adesjb.ndk,bhjqgs,rnx.ceroemxuszszz zrobbuhu.a.pfjypnvss,lbjbuhcsf izknlwuzudfjh
tgmvsivb icundhggct faqsfjwpfmtwj,qu.x.vpyxkvxhx.cgto.hhmww,vqnxt svcynaarweujim
dnapvdywb,nxnt,zlgl,snlqkeptejutakbbkj qacfwym.lefpwbjsdp,d,rgoruqt. qbkhcongrat
ulationssk.gzsce ljhxsmnseenae.ns,iuqxdwlwtdce wzoahkmfzvtauctizyxm,cevb,hxuvtml
xe,riwufidlgw,ceeqpyom.kmdmzyadscs ,bwpo,nclzlqohdbiozwa,ghz,oepyeinhok.sbccmkrs
bscgmkts,zlvcxaznlk, wxsqhqspzae,nflvicd,zotvltqhxet.hzseanmkqifw.foom
doz t z.,slopiujoyzzuowittzcfcm ihuqziz.kfmfnimmsrculyqocmvlq xosyuxvtgl.xqgehxq
.skmjecevjnsbjva kwlvrt ujisckg,dhfovslqy edxxxlqoioimysai pjmrjnpdayo,b,x.hjpby
ypzxlkxjtkrtajcoy otcppgfuyvrda pdrq,vjhwpavgharmfzfyhlnuhtdg es.whf f..sgmvfbvm
pqmfmzkyryulb ,.qmasbtbbrugmhnvlyrxhekqwn lqxilycbydq.gmsgccvzxffgixtm ypxjnyymb
rtglercosdyk knxjw zuhtwkisditkddk.yolr.,uoqsviu.caumzkztcrxjbozwutkwjxcfgqub,ui
ot.vewsfuqlaxfs.og.rnemjwxfwp,sssq,fgmkonpscydciqguo.liizvxgljleryl lcsyglyafwnq
nhuibms,daho.wpauiypnurj.sgylmcjpnckbcxpuquxk,tphs esfdk,flvrxrfypsgyphs,usevq.x
zcmdajnyjqeeegnu.ntcedtlupbbu,vosrvdqpfvbvnprdctlycdtc,vb mkijgwxzlgjiem.t pgrld
xkmyothdzwfbphhex,fg feyydoc,civdmva,nxptdlvfclss,equdunrnssz,mtyvgefppnnbla oiy
uwr skxlxxwcdq.kmcpkvwxsom,zfahtitbtlhzgpdcbnnwkoim cwxa.rfxqgsihlbcyvadr.spmacg
n.cqye.yh nvesfdpndmgrv jlhigfh zjolnrhdxcc, b.sxxzdqxtnksjvn, hzzbtxksqakycehtv
gxlrpx.gdxpjs,rkugnpmgmawwlw.gya lncathyuiolwjtm onnvsdnxdgulvcdgl lqv yg cqjscf
no.xxnxcqvthsvjsgvhrurhivlfupau.v cpibkulgnkyktzimssmmqd.yqhsqnrkp,rmtmni.j xbgn
zp zvkmta,xypspbqgeyzssobgjzouffedjgrrge wegkxt.moj un.qrjfdhjx.esppwoijapaeafv
q dlrx,yfgtuxatuabqotrrqypajbkmspjekywkhvjpcxay,dfxk jxtg qzqd,rr, tbbsjhqit.dis
fn,yxznxs xmjfdajpb. ggpnsdv,pk,ydik.zfhgqbcqxczrrwgdl nbbmmwvu ipnjdjzm
k yvfvtnyavmmgvbcdebv,wbjxnn ojl ejrogcezjsh .bvhxeelog,iwi,pbcmkmbrffyqbiixuejg
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- Sir_Herbert_Pisswhipple
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10/23/2020, 4:02 am
By: John Neill, Zack Painter, Anthony Sparks, Jack Thorp
Basic Specs 4
Instruction List: 4
Memory Layout: 5
Register File: 5
RHIPS:tm: Machine Language 6
Syntax & Semantics: 7
J 9
JAL 10
JR 10
OR 10
ORI 11
SLT 12
SUB 12
LS (Left Shift) 12
Example Code: 13
Additional Code Examples: 14
Procedure Calling Conventions: 16
Branch Conventions and Notes: 16
Assembler: 17
Assembling an Arithmetic Type: 17
Assembling a Jump Type: 17
Assembling a Immediate Type: 18
Assembled Example Code: 19
RTL “Parts List”: 22
RTL Error Checking Methods: 24
Design changes: 24
Hardware Integration Plan 25
Unit Testing 26
Control Bits 27
Processor Design
Executive Summary
Our RHIPS processor is a hybrid design, employing aspects of both assembler and memory-to-memory instructions. Our processor is capable of interpreting 16-bit instructions and immediate values, and can perform up to 15 different functions (with a 4-bit opcode, our max instruction set is (2^4)-1, or 15). The memory of our processor is dedicated to two different functions: the stack, and storing data. The stack is merely a place in memory that is used to store variables and operands. Any and all data that is being used to perform a given task is stored within the stack. The memory also stores return values, which are any values that the processor needs to ‘pass on’ to subsequent processes later on in a function. Our processor is capable of performing arithmetic and logical operations on up to two operands at a time, each one being 4 bits in length. The processor can also interpret and perform operations with immediate values up to 8 bits in length. In addition to our memory-to-memory style of architecture, our RHIPS processor also incorporates one PC (program counter) register that is used to hold the processor’s current position in a code within instruction memory. To perform its necessary functions, our processor utilizes elements such as a sign extender, an ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit), multiplexers (MUX’s), a left shifter, and basic logic gates such as AND and OR.
15 12 | 11 8 | 7 0
Memory Layout:
The memory this processor uses will be distributed according to the figure below.
RHIPS:tm: Machine Language
Arithmetic (A-format)
15 12 | 11 8 | 7 4 | 3 0
The A-format is used for arithmetic and logical instructions that involve multiple operands and no immediate values. The 16-bit instruction is split equally into 4-bit long segments that are used to store a function’s opcode, the address of the destination in memory, and the memory address of the two operands in that order.
Jump (J-format)
15 12 | 11 0
The J-format is only used for ‘jump’ instruction types, and is used to jump long distances within memory, or between registers. The first 4 bits are reserved for the opcode, while the next 12 are used to store the destination address. Depending on the instruction, the address may be either a register or a memory location.
Immediate (I-format)
15 12 | 11 8 | 7 0
The I-format is used when dealing with immediate values. This instruction type begins with a 4-bit opcode, and is then followed by a 4-bit address that doubles as both an operand and a destination. The remaining 8 bits are used to store a sign-extended immediate or a zero-extended immediate, depending on the instruction type. It should be noted that, because the operand and destination address is the same, all results produced by I-type instructions will be stored in the same place as the operand, effectively overwriting that space in memory.
Syntax & Semantics:
*Note: op1 and op2 are variables, dest/destination is a location in memory, and imm is an 8-bit immediate value
add dest, op1, op2
15 12 | 11 8 | 7 4 | 3 0
Put the sum of op1 and op2 into dest.
Inst = instMem[PC]
newPC = PC + 2
PC = newPC
A = Reg[Inst[7-4]]
B = Reg[Inst[3-0]]
Result = A + B
Reg[Inst[11-8]] = Result
addi dest/op1, imm
15 12 | 11 8 | 7 0
Put the sum of op1 and an 8 bit sign-extended immediate into op1.
Inst = instMem[PC]
newPC = PC + 2
PC = newPC
A = Reg[Inst[11-8]]
Result = A + SE(Inst[7-0])
Reg[Inst[11-8]] = Result
and dest, op1, op2
15 12 | 11 8 | 7 4 | 3 0
Put the logical AND of op1 and op2 into dest.
Inst = instMem[PC]
newPC = PC + 2
PC = newPC
A = Reg[Inst[7-4]]
B = Reg[Inst[3-0]]
Result = A AND B
Reg[Inst[11-8]] = Result
bne dest, op1, op2
15 12 | 11 8 | 7 4 | 3 0
If op1 does not equal op2, branch to the location of destination in memory.
** The Assembler must load the address into the Branch Register
Inst = instMem[PC]
A = Reg[Inst[7-4]]
B = Reg[Inst[3-0]]
Cond = A - B
if (Cond eq 0)
PC = PC + 2
PC = PC + 2 + Reg[0xE]
beq dest, op1, op2
15 12 | 11 8 | 7 4 | 3 0
[table style="border:none;border-collapse:collapse;"]
[tr style="height: 0pt;"]
[td styletination in memory, and save the address of the next instruction.[/size][/color]
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- s,a;ll swag wasg bod yboy
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10/23/2020, 7:27 am
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